A teddy bear in a destroyed city
every frame tells a story
A teddy bear in a destroyed city
The ruins of an old city
The ruins of a city after a war
The ruins of a city after a war
Teddy bears on a meadow with flowers
A destroyed city with ruined streets
2d illustrations with tanks in a city
The ruins of an old city
A set of three teddy bears on a white background
The ruins of an old city
The ruins of a city after a war
The ruins of a city after a war
Teddy bears on a meadow with flowers
A destroyed city with ruined streets
2d illustrations with tanks in a city
The ruins of an old city
A set of three teddy bears on a white background
The ruins of an old city
The ruins of a city after a war
The ruins of a city after a war
Teddy bears on a meadow with flowers