A doctor portrait neurosurgeon
€1.00 – €50.00
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Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window
Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window

Landscapers man focused on planting plants in front of the building
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A doctor with the patient’s report in hand
A doctor with the patient’s report in hand

An operating room with a surgeon
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a doctor practitioner checking patient, measuring tension and heart

Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window
Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window

Landscapers man focused on planting plants in front of the building
Focused landscapers man doing his job planting plants and landscaping in front of the building of client wearing his landscapers attire, cap and gloves

A doctor with the patient’s report in hand
A doctor with the patient’s report in hand

An operating room with a surgeon
An operating room with a surgeon

doctor in a comunity tallking with people outdoors
doctor in a comunity tallking with people outdoors

doctor holding a miracle pill innovative medicine
doctor holding a miracle pill innovative medicine

A child at the dentist
A child at the dentist

a doctor practitioner checking patient, measuring tension and heart
a doctor practitioner checking patient, measuring tension and heart

Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window
Video Dentist wearing a scrub and standing and smiling in a dental cabinet, in front of a window

Landscapers man focused on planting plants in front of the building
Focused landscapers man doing his job planting plants and landscaping in front of the building of client wearing his landscapers attire, cap and gloves

A doctor with the patient’s report in hand
A doctor with the patient’s report in hand

An operating room with a surgeon
An operating room with a surgeon