Succulent plants that grow in cracks
Succulent plants that grow in cracks

Succulent plants that grow in cracks
Succulent plants that grow in cracks

Plants growing out of rocks
Plants growing out of rocks

Succulent plants that grow in cracks
Succulent plants that grow in cracks

Plants growing out of rocks
Plants growing out of rocks

Plants growing out of rocks
Plants growing out of rocks

Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall
Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall

Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall
Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall

Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall
Flowers growing in the cracks of a wall

Succulents growing on stony ground
Succulents growing on stony ground

Succulents growing on stony ground
Succulents growing on stony ground

Succulents growing on stony ground
Succulents growing on stony ground

Succulents growing on stony ground
Succulents growing on stony ground

A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat
A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat

A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat
A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat

A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat
A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat

A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat
A patch of Creosote bush, with its aromatic leaves, thriving in the desert heat